Boring Quits
On the morning of June 26, 2014, long-time OTer Boring decided that he was "tired of OT's sin," and that it was time to leave Roblox behind in a cloud of dust. Naturally, he decided that the only logical way to do this was to tell OT that he was leaving forever. And so, on that morning, a legend was born. In a post that extended for a whopping 95 paragraphs (equivalent to a college length paper paper,) Boring outlined in no uncertain terms why OT sucked, why the people on it sucked, why they were vile and horrible individuals, why they should quit, why they should repent to God and convert to Christianity, and in the process outlined his entire story on Roblox, an eight year journey. Needless to say, the post (being made by Boring after all) quickly rocketed to the attention off Off Topic, despite the fact that it pushed the limits of both a Roblox post's possible length and OTers' attention spans.
While the first few pages or so of the thread were by and large dicksuck games and pity parties from OTers, Boring's post quickly caught flak when people began to realize that his college length rant basically boiled down to "I'm quitting because I'm a Christian and I don't like you." Before long, the whole of Off Topic was split as to whether or not he should be loved or hated for his reasoning, with many commenting that they had either gained or lost respect for him on the thread. This also sparked many arguments between OTers who were disgusted by his religion, and those who were apathetic.
Nevertheless, most people were to some degree saddened by Boring suddenly leaving. This inspired a short-lived fad on the day Boring quit of users making quitting threads, some false and some serious. This wave surged again two days after Boring left when someone temporarily revived it. As for Boring himself, he has not returned to the forum since he said he was throwing in the towel, and considering that it is now 2015, it is unlikely that he will seriously return any time soon. Boring came back to OT in the middle of May preaching his religion and complaining how OT is full of sinners. After the incident, he mostly watches people playing Roblox games on Twitch. Since then, he only has been active on his twitter account[1].